Network Troubleshooting: Manual vs Automated

May 02, 2022

If you've ever worked with computer networks, you know that network issues can be frustratingly complex. But how do you go about troubleshooting these issues effectively? In the old days, you had to roll up your sleeves and manually dig into the problem. More recently, automated network troubleshooting tools have become common. But which approach is better? Let's take a closer look.

Manual Network Troubleshooting

Manual network troubleshooting is the art of identifying and solving network issues through a series of diagnostic steps manually. Resources such as documentation, vendor-specific knowledge, and expertise can help diagnoseand solve network issues. The manual approach involves looking for clues, understanding the underlying network processes, and analyzing logs.


  • Manual troubleshooting can be educational and help upgrade network skills.
  • Allows for customization tailored to the specific network infrastructure.


  • Time-consuming and labor-intensive.
  • Human-bias and limited specialist experience can result in incorrect diagnoses and solutions.

Automated Network Troubleshooting

Automated network troubleshooting options automate repetitive tasks and use machine learning algorithms to diagnose and suggest fixes for our networking problems.


  • Fast
  • Consistent
  • Can handle large volumes of data than a human on their own
  • No specific expertise required


  • Reduced customization or flexibility
  • Often expensive

Which one should you choose?

The answer to this question is, it depends. Both methods have their advantages and consequences, and choosing the best fit for your organization and network infrastructure requires weighing the pros and cons to make an informed decision. Both manual and automated techniques for network problem solving can co-exist.

By no means does this prevent automation from being applied to repetitive, time-consuming or error-prone manual processes. Doing so will help speed up routine network operations and free up IT staff's time to pursue more strategic, higher-order projects.


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